Arbah Tadawul:

Electronic trading via internet and view the latest share prices:

  • Choose the appropriate language for you either Arabic or English.
  • Trading data directly in addition to analytical graphics on the state of the market.
  • Create and customize favorite shares for you.
  • You can view all the market share prices for buy-sell orders that are still in waiting list.
  • Receive news and advertisements about the shares market state.

The possibility to easily trading by one click:

  • Orders the execution is easy to use and safe.
  • Place orders with instructions up to 30 days

The possibility to track the status for buying/selling orders:

  • You can follow the status of execution of the request from the time entered until its execution and completion.
  • Ability to modify and cancel pending orders which is not executed.
  • Monitoring and modification of orders by phone on the internet like any other online orders.

Portfolio management at online time of direct:

  • Full technical analysis of the portfolio based on the data directly from the market.
  • Modify shares bonuses and priority rights.
  • Follow-up reports profits and losses all the time.
  • Automatic update of portfolio data in time with buy-sell orders.

Research and charts

  • Possibility of reading daily research reveals the market situation.
  • Analyze trends and performance with charts for the shares and trading indicators in the market.

Receive alerts and messages via e-mail or mobile

  • Instant messaging gives interaction between the investor and the broker.
  • Receive special alert messages for everything that occurs on your account, including orders executed and developments in the market and other.